2016年4月6日 星期三

Windows Update 卡住

有關於 WindowsUpdate 檢查更新卡住、下載更新卡住、安裝更新卡住、不管怎樣的卡住沒進度 0%

首先找到 C:\Windows 的「SoftwareDistribution 」將裏頭的資料夾全刪除
重開機後再重回 WindowsUpdate 重新更新,雖然速度還是比較久一點,但絕對會順利下載!

2015年12月10日 星期四

ASUS TF101 upgrade Lollipop KatKiss 5.1

Download "Universal_Naked_Driver_0.72.zip" on PC
Unzip into folder

Download package for KatKiss 5.1.1 includes:
UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip (Find newest one is fine)

Download newest signed_twrp-
(you can find newest one)

Copy those four file to micro SDcard either by turn off TF101 then hock on SDcard. Or dirctly save from TF101.

Download "Universal_Naked_Driver_0.72.zip" on PC
Unzip into folder

Download package for KatKiss 5.1.1 includes:
UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip (Find newest one is fine)

Download newest signed_twrp-
(you can find newest one)

Copy those four file to micro SDcard either by turn off TF101 then hock on SDcard. Or dirctly save from TF101.

Download "EasyFlasher-0.8.3b-STABLE" on PC
Unzip into folder
Go to EasyFlasher/tools folder
Copy Superuser-3.1.3-arm-signed.zip from PC to TF101 "sdcard/internal storage".
If "internal storage" folder is not there, CREATE ONE.

Trun off TF101.
Hold on "Voleumn +" and "Power" key for 15 second.
Connect USB cable from TF101 to PC.
Wait... Wait.... Wait....

Driver may fail for now.
On PC, go to Device Manger by Right click on "Computer", then choose Device Manger
Question mark(?) will show on the device.
Go update new driver. Point to unzipped folder on Universal_Naked_Driver_0.72.zip (see above)

Go to EasyFlasher unzipped folder. Click on EasyFlasher.exe
Choose SBK2 if SN 80+ (It's ok to choose SBK1),
Click on "Click me!" for Root.
Click on "Flash".

On TF101, hold "Volumn -" and "Power" when logo show up. Press "Volumn +" right away.
Choose install from zip file then choose signed_twrp- on SD card

Unlink cable from USB and PC
Power off TF101 and turn on TF101 by holding "Volumn -" and "Power"
TRWP welcome screen will show up.
Choose Wipe, clean system. After clean system, then choose "format data". Choose "Back" to main.
Choose Install, select KatKiss-5.1_030.zip from SD -> "Add more zip" ->
select gapps-KatKiss-5.1_20150920.zip from SD -> "Add more zip" ->
select UPDATE-SuperSU-v2.46.zip from SD
-> wipe to install.
Choose "catch wipe" -> back
Choose reboot system.

Wait.... Wait..... Wait.... Wait..... Be patient. You may need to wait 10 more minetes.
You may think it's stock.... or hang, then start seach solution.
It's better to take a cup of coffee then come back.

2015年7月31日 星期五

Tomcat Java Eclipse ENCODING drive me crazy

This is what I update.
Under Tomcat 7 folder/conf/server.xml
Find 8080 word. This will be like:
Add URIEncoding="UTF-8" if the encoding needs to be set UTF-8. Or you can change to any other fix charset.

Remember set same encoding on JSP file

Now...... Another problem happened. Same issue when using Eclipse to start Tomcat.
Solution: Expand "Server" on the Project Explorer (left side). There is anotehr Server.xml. The physical location should hiding under "workspace" folder. Change same URIEncoding="UTF-8".

NOW..... Database make the same issue.... The "words" select from DB and the data from web page is not equal........

2015年7月4日 星期六

Update ListView or BaseExpandableListAdapter After Saving Data

public class abc extends BaseExpandableListAdapter { ... // after updateProgress(progress); notifyDataSetChanged();

2013年9月11日 星期三

SQL: T1 without matching T2

SELECT T1.Field1, T1.ID FROM T1 LEFT JOIN T2 ON T1.Field1 = T2.Field1 WHERE (((T2.Field1) Is Null));

2013年8月15日 星期四

2013年8月5日 星期一

VMWare: HP ENVY: ERROR When Start up: binary translation is incompatible with long mode on this platform

Go to BIOS:

  • Start up Laptop
  • F10 to get into BIOS screen
  • Search Intel Virtualization Technology (VT) is "disabled" by default, in the BIOS
  • Change to Enable

2013年7月31日 星期三

WebLogic: Setup log4j for your Java Application

This is from: "http://phillips4jc.blogspot.com/2012/01/configuring-web-logic-1035-and-log4j.html"

I recently spent several days trying to track this down why Apache log4j for my Java application was working when deployed to Oracle WebLogic Server 10.3.5. I am posting my findings here in the hopes of saving others some time. I found several blogs that talked about this, but the end result was that log4j was still not working correctly. There was always one step missing. A co-worker and I finally figured it out for both Linux and Windows.

1. Copy wllog4j.jar from your WebLogic server/lib directory and place it in your domain_root/lib folder.
2. Copy your version of log4j.jar to your domain_root/lib folder.
3. Copy your log4j.xml to your domain_root folder. 
4. Log in to the your WebLogic admin server console. Click on Servers -> Admin Server -> Logging. Click on advanced mode, and change the logging implementation from JDK to Log4J. Save your changes.

Most of the blogs had these items, but the one critical piece that was missing:
5. (Linux)Edit the setDomainEnv.sh file in the domain_root/bin directory. and find the following code:

if [ "${LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE}" != "" ] ; then
       JAVA_PROPERTIES="${JAVA_PROPERTIES} -Dlog4j.configuration=file:${LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE}"
       export JAVA_PROPERTIES

Insert the following above those lines of code(replacing the path with the one for your system's domain_root directory:


5. (Windows)
Edit the setDomainEnv.cmd file in the domain_root/bin directory. and find the following code:

if NOT "%LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE%"=="" (                                                          
            set JAVA_PROPERTIES=%JAVA_PROPERTIES% -Dlog4j.configuration=file:%LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE%

Insert the following above those lines of code(replacing the path with the one for your system's domain_root directory:

set LOG4J_CONFIG_FILE=”C:\Oracle\Middleware\user_projects\domains\base_domain\log4j.xml”

6. Activate the changes and restart the admin server.

Here is a sample log4j.xml file. Obviously, you will need to update it for a valid location for your file appender, and replace yourcompany and yourproject with valid values.








Weblogic: Properties and xml files under WEB-INF/classes disappear after deployment

on WebLogic 10, all the Properties files and xml files will be on the _wls_cls_gen.jar file after deployment.
_wls_cls_gen.jar file will save under _WL_user/[application]... /lib folders.


Now if we write the following code inside out application like Servlet then it won’t work and will fail while reading the Properties file: 

Note: Many frameworks uses the Following techinques and Sometimes WebLogic Code causes this issue..(http://forums.oracle.com/forums/thread.jspa?messageID=4217650#4217650)…which may cause our applications to fail while reading jar Archieved resources. because they uses the following techinque to read the resources available inside a JAR file: 

Change code:
  1. InputStream stream = null;  
  3. try {  
  5. Properties p = new Properties();  
  7. String path=Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader().getResource(“Info.properties”).getPath();  
  9. System.out.println(“—————-PATH: “+path);  
  11. p.load(new java.io.FileInputStream(path));  
  13. Host = p.getProperty(“Host”);  
  15. Pot = p.getProperty(“Port”);  
  17. User = p.getProperty(“User”);  
  19. Passwd = p.getProperty(“Passwd”);  
  21. System.out.println(“Property Key-Values:” +”\n”+ Host +”\n”+ Pot + “\n”+User+ “\n”+Passwd);  
  23. catch (Exception e) {  
  25. e.printStackTrace();  
  27. }  


  1. InputStream stream = null;  
  3. System.out.println(“————————————”);  
  5. try {  
  7. Properties p = new Properties();  
  9. stream=this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResourceAsStream(“Info.properties”);  
  11. p.load(stream);  
  13. Host = p.getProperty(“Host”);  
  15. Pot = p.getProperty(“Port”);  
  17. User = p.getProperty(“User”);  
  19. Passwd = p.getProperty(“Passwd”);  
  21. System.out.println(“Property Key-Values:” +”\n”+ Host +”\n”+ Pot + “\n”+User+ “\n”+Passwd);  
  23. catch (Exception e) {  
  25. e.printStackTrace();  
  27. }